Friday, April 29, 2011

Wrapping Up This Semester

Well, I am getting ready to wrap up this semester. I would say that it has been as productive as it's been busy!

Professionally, I taught one college-level course during this semester in addition to my day-to-day duties. Our staff of six has been reduced to four this semester due to some colleagues taking positions elsewhere. So we've been running a skeleton crew the past few months. We hired replacements that start next week and I'll sure be glad to be at full capacity again.

Personally, my wife and I are expecting our first baby in July. So we've been busy getting things ready for our new addition. We started child birth classes this week, so the semester here is ending at just the right time. On the other side of the spectrum, my grandmother, who helped raise me, had to be put in a nursing home this past month. This was a very difficult decision for her and our family. But I think it's the right choice. I've been having some mixed emotions over the past few months—I guess that's why they call it the circle of life.

Academically, I've done a ton of research and writing about e-books this semester. But the irony is that I haven't really had time to read any. So, I'm looking forward to get some reading done this summer. Does anyone have any recommendations related to education or technology?

Well, I think I am signing off for the semester (unless something really catches my eye in the next week or so). Best of luck to everyone!

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